Tuesday 29 November 2011

Editing our film

On Monday we finally started to edit our film and what a disaster it started off to be! Avid is new to us all so it was mind boggling getting round it and working it properly. We managed it though...eventually. Capturing was the worst part and tool us 3 and a half hours! I got so stressed and irritated because nothing was running smoothly and I knew it needed to be done. When we were capturing our footage the computer was jumping and skipping some of the footage. This was our fault because we never left 5-10 seconds free filming before our footage. Definitely learnt from this, never ever want to be under that pressure capturing again. So some of our shots ended up with little bits missing, they were shorter and kind of snappy, completely not what we wanted! But we decided to edit it together for our rough edit, and surprise surprise we needed to film a few bits again. However on the whole the film didn't end up as bad as we thought, which I'm extremely happy with. Definitely learnt from that filming mistake!

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