Play is older than culture, it goes back so many years I didn't realise what was actually classed as 'play'. A good example of play that goes back many many years is the olympics, I didn't even realise that this was a form of play. Things such as the olympics and acting a role as a teacher or a nurse, can also be known as play. This compares to child's play such as a child dressing up as a nurse or racing a friend to the bin. They are all forms of play. Play always seems to have a winner, its a tense competition of who's the best. We always want to be the best and most successful player in the game. Children shout things like 'Last one to the bin stinks' No child wants to be the looser who stinks do they? Play has a tense atmosphere from the beginning. "Play is tense" - J Huizinga

Repetition is something that we love in play, once we know how to do something we feel satisfied when it's the same throughout. even down to using the same buttons on a controller throughout a game. When thinking of our own game idea, we should look at using repetition or something that people are already familiar with.
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