Friday, 20 April 2012

Fake profile

We ad to create a fake person using a Weaver. This included filling out a form asking you to list a seires of words which you would like your charcater to relate to. All the words that you list are what created the persons personality and character. I called my character Dosey Nosey, with the idea being she would be exctly like what her name was. Dosey and Nosey, quite a comical character. I then created a twitter for her, she started tweeting straight away, some of the tweets had a fun personality behind such as 'Marry the Night'. Dosey Nosey started tweeting everyt few minutes and then suddenly stopped, she had been disconected and cut off from the waever meaning it wouldn't acess Twitter anymore.

Reandom peopl started following this profile, I got up to 6 followers, they seemed like genuine profiles and were all girls. However when she got cut, they unfollowed leaving her with one follower, which was myself! This made me realise how many animated and computerised characters there might be out there, I never knew this was possible to do.!/DoseyNosey

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