Friday 16 March 2012

User group

We picked a number out of a hat and the number you chose was the position in line you were to picking what user group you would prefer from the list. We were number six and had our eyes set on going for the user group of Primary School children. And that's what we got! I was pretty happy about that as I thought it was a good user group as we could pick pretty much any topic as long as it was educational.

Myself,Amy and Ceri got ourselves on a whiteboard table and thought that we would write down as many words possible to do with our user group and what the exhibition would have to be like so that we could identify exactly who they were and what there needs are.

We come up with hundreds of words here are some of the relevant ones:
The exhibition

The User group
Easily bored

Narrowing the words down to just a few helped us realise that we had quite a tough user group on our hands and primary school children are from the age of 4-11 so we needed to narrow that down to one class. Year 3 ages 7-8 is what we chose. We thought that it was an age were they are still eager to play engage and interact yet they can learn information and put it into practise. Another huge part to our user group other than the children is the teachers. They will be the ones who have to teach the children any information first, the people we would communicate and organise with and the people who will have the biggest opinion on the day.

Now that we know exactly who our user group is we need to get thinking of a good idea that keeps them entertained, educated and happy.

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