Tuesday, 27 September 2011

The basics

My name is Nicki Fitzpatrick and I have just enrolled onto the Media Professional Studies course here at John Moores University. My passion for media and the industry itself has grown immensely over the past few years since taking Media Studies as a GCSE in secondary school. This is were my basic knowledge and interest began. After having the opportunity to create various mini projects such as television adverts, magazines and posters, this encouraged me to progress onto a Creative and Media diploma and an A lever in film studies which I have studied for the past two years. Studying the creative and media diploma gave me various oppertunities that eventualy intrigued me more in the media industry. I worked with BBC Radio merseyside to create a christmas toy appeal advertisement which was aired on the radio from the end of october until christmas 2011. I also created a 20 minute documentray were i had to film, edit and direct by myself. I thoroughly enjoyed this and this intrigued me into the television industry, this is the media i am most intrested in as a consumer.
Troughout A level film studies we had to work in groups to create short films. We had to take on different roles in the group, I always chose to be director/organiser. I like to eb organised and ensure that things are being done when they should . This subject encouraged me to look at the production industry and I researched into production co-ordinators and their responisbilities and this specific job intrigued me and still does to this day. I think that this industry is the place I would like to go into. I have so much to learn about the media industry and how it works, and I look forward to doing so. I am currently looking for some work experience with television were I can have a upfront look at the industry and whether production co-ordinating is what I want to go into.

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