Tuesday 6 December 2011

Prezi, final game

So, we have finally finished our game design and created a prezi which explains how our game works and its unique selling points. I am pleased with the game we have created and the way we have presented it. I have never used Prezi before so I took the oppertunity of creating it, I quite enjoyed this task and it's something I would opt to do again.

Here is the link to our Prezi explaining our game.

We will be receiving feedback from our tutors and peers on our game today, I will blog about that later.

Monday 5 December 2011

Finishing our film

We had to edit our film and have it on DVD by 2pm today. It was a stressful few hours! We captured the last of our footage and cracked on with making our film better. It actually wasn't as hard as the first time round, probably because we've got a little used to it. We added the footage inbetween what we already had and extracted some footage to replace it with other. We changed our song to 'Bad Day' as well because it went a lot better and had more of an uplifted beat to it, exactly what it needed. We started the song from the middle as the word Bad Day was sung as Tom stepped onto the mirror. Burning it onto DVD was also an easy process, went on in the matter of minute.

We shown the films in our lesson and we got a positive feedback by the looks of it. Everyone understood the bad luck being passed on narrative, thank god! We have feedback sessions with out tutors in our groups next week which I am unable to make as I am with BBC being filmed as part of a group for the new drama series The Fuse.